It all began on April 5, 1895, here at the University of Arkansas. Four young women, with the help of a local dentist, established the secrets and symbolism that today bind over 260,000 women. This small band of women founded Chi Omega after realizing a need for an organization that would foster both friendship and respect for the potential and inherent value of women.
Some years after creating the first chapter of Chi Omega, the fraternity also decided to be the first Greek organization at the University of Arkansas to build their own house. They purchased our lovely plot of land at 940 W. Maple in 1928 and the house suited for 45 young ladies was completed that same year. Since then, the house has been added on to accommodate 92 sisters, which is where it stands today.
Over the years, Chi Omega has continued to grow and provide its members with unique opportunities in leadership, scholarship, and lifelong friendship – striving to provide each Sister with a commitment to personal integrity, excellence in academic and intellectual pursuits, inter-generational participation, community service, leadership opportunities, and social enrichment. The Psi chapter has now initiated over 3,000 young women into this sisterhood.
Here at the Psi Chapter of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, we have the privilege of being surrounded by our Fraternity’s rich history. Our chapter house is listed on the National Historic Registry, as well as the Chi Omega Greek Theatre, located in the heart of the University of Arkansas campus. The Greek Theatre is the largest donation by a Greek Organization to a university and is the only structure of its kind in the United States. This unique monument serves all University of Arkansas students, and is the location for pep rallies and other special campus events.